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True Facts About Diabetes Mellitus

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Facts about Diabetes Mellitus

Facts About Diabetes

Standards of Care

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that requires continual monitoring and management. Every person with Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and Gestational Diabetics must use their knowledge of the disease to make daily efforts to manage their Diabetes. For some, constantly having to monitor and treat their condition is taxing. For others, caring for their condition becomes a standard way of life.


The diabetes standard of care first involves education and action. In order to treat the disease, it is important to understand how everyday actions can impact the body, such as eating, exercising, and doing simple chores.  As you will see, the basic difference between a diabetic and a person without the disease is that diabetics must closely monitor the sugar levels in their bodies in order to ensure that they stay normal. Diabetics are at risk of having a dangerously high or low blood sugar level based simply on the foods that they eat and the steps they take to control blood sugar.


Diabetics need to maintain healthy nutrition by:

  • Limiting their sugar in-take
  • Avoiding saturated fats (most animal fats except fish)
  • Eating high fiber foods
  • Eating more mono and poly unsaturated fats (from fish and plants)

This calls for monitoring the foods that diabetics eat. Diabetics will speak with their doctor or a nutritionist to get on a diet plan that works for them. Therefore, education plays a huge role in diabetic staying healthy by making good food choices.

Physical Activity

Exercise is one of the best ways to keep adiabetic‰Ûªs blood sugar levels low. Exercise can also help to prevent obesity.Pedometers & Heart Rate Monitors Click here to learn more about exercise and how you can incorporate it into your daily life. Exercising just 30 minutes a day can help to prevent many of the common complicationsassociated with diabetes.


A final standard of care for the majority of Diabetics involves the regular use of medication . Different medications are used to treat different types of diabetes. For example, insulin is used to treat Type 1 diabetes while oral medications are generally used to treat Type 2 diabetes. Depending on the severity and type of diabetes that you have, your doctor will prescribe a specific type of insulin or oral medication.

If you or someone you know has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, keep in mind that education is the first step in helping to avoid complications and other side effects of the disease. Yet, education alone is not effective without taking action in order to regain control.

Your metabolism includes the chemical and physiological processes that helps your body grow and function. These processes help your body break down and convert food to energy and cell building material. The metabolism of our food is what causes us to gain, maintain, or lose weight.                                                                                   

Simply put: food + metabolic process = energy + cell building material.

While many people believe that they have a “slow” metabolism if they are overweight, the fact is: they may simply be eating too much of the wrong foods to help them lose weight. Your metabolism simply determines the amount of calories that you are able to burn each day. A calorie is a unit of energy.

However, there are some factors that may wreak havoc with your metabolic functions, such as skipping meals, crash dieting, and eating too much sugar. These behaviors may be especially dangerous for diabetics, who already suffer from impaired insulin function and high blood sugar levels.

Here’s some basic information you need to know about your metabolism and how to get it working for you.

Basal Metabolic Rate
You don’t just need calories to walk, run, and perform activities; you also need calories to enegize your heart, brain, and other organs. Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories that you need each day in order to keep your body working properly to keep you alive.

Your basal metabolic rate takes up about 66 to 75 percent (%) of all of your caloric needs for the day, including 10 percent of which are needed to help your body digest food, absorb vitamins and nutrients. Your additional caloric needs will be based on your activity level.

How Metabolism Works
Digestive SystemDigestive System — The first act of metabolism is digestion. This mechanical and chemical process begins the moment food enters your mouth. It takes between thirty to sixty minutes for half of your solid food to be processed and emptied from your stomach. Once emptied from your stomach, this mixture is filtered into your small intestine, where it will be further broken down by enzymes and absorbed.

During the absorption process, enzymes, which are molecules in the digestive system, break down the proteins from the food mix into simpler compounds called amino acids. Then, the amino acids, simple sugars, and fatty acids enter the cells to be converted to energy, and cell building material and the rest stored for future use.

Insulin plays a critical role in helping the simpler compounds (glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids) enter the cells for further conversion. There enzymes regulate the chemical reactions to release energy that can either be immediately used or stored (as glycogen) in organs, muscles, tissues, or as fat in fat cells.

How different foods are affected by metabolism
Different foods offer different energy and building material. Different foods will create different glucose levels.

Diabetics need to be especially concerned with their intake of carbohydrates, which raise the blood glucose level to different heights based on the type of carbohydrate you eat. A carbohydrate with a high glycemic index (over 100) will quickly increase your blood glucose (to about 170 (mg) milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood (dL) soon after being eaten. It will then cause your blood glucose to fall below baseline about two and a half hours later as your body regulates your glucose levels. However, a low glycemic carbohydrate will slowly increase your blood glucose (up to about 130 mg/dL) and then cause your blood glucose to slowly fall below baseline about two and a half hours after you eat it.

How does diabetes impact the metabolism?
When someone has Type 2 Diabetes, they either produce insufficient amounts of insulin and/or some of their cells resist the role of insulin.

In Type 2 diabetes, The beta cells (located in the pancreas) that create and release insulin do not quickly respond to the body’s need for insulin. By the time insulin is released, the bloodstream has a high glucose level. Now, the insulin has to play catch-up in transporting the glucose into the cells from the bloodstream. The beta cells are forced to release even more insulin due to the blood’s high blood glucose levels. This continual excess of insulin in the bloodstream is calledhyperinsulinemia.                                                                                                                           

Some of the glucose is allowed to enter the cells with the help of extra insulin. The body experience low blood sugar without the action of insulin. Without extra insulin from the pancreas, or injections the excess glucose recirculates in the bloodstream – resulting damage to the blood vessel walls, nerves, and organs.

The excess glucose is more than the kidneys can process. Causing excess glucose to be released as urine. This repeated urine release cause dehydration and the thirst diabetics have come to recognize.

Diabetics have a weakened metabolic process. Insulin production, and injections or other diabetic medications can help to normalize a diabetic system by providing more insulin to allow normal metabolic processes to continue.

Crash Diets Hurt Metabolism
Millions of Americans try fad diets, which often include crash diets in which they starve their bodies of food and nutrients. These diets often actually hurt the metabolism and slow it down. Here’s how: a normal metabolism requires a balance of caloric intake and output. Caloric intake gives people have energy for daily tasks and helps their bodies continue to function properly.

However, when someone does not eat enough calories, including carbohydrates, their bodies will go into “starvation” mode, which means that the body will treat each calorie with great care because it simply doesn’t know where the next calorie will come from. Many people also call this “caveman” mode because cavemen had to store their energy reserves in their bodies and physically in their caves, as they didn’t know when the next food source would be caught or found.

When your body is in starvation mode, it automatically saves calories as fat and uses the least amount of calories to operate. The body will perform an automatic triage in order to stay alive by deciding which organs should get calories first. That’s why many people on crash diets and starvation diets have severe side effects of the diet, which may include organ failure, and often gain considerable weight after they adopt a healthier meal plan.

In many cases, the brain is the last organ that needs calories, so the body will distribute fewer calories to the brain. Without calories, the brain does not have enough energy to think, so people in starvation mode are often irritable, easily confused, and experience memory loss. Additionally, because the body needs to reserve its energy stores, people in starvation mode are often tired or lethargic.

Build Muscle — Weight Lifting Can Increase Your Metabolic Rate
Weight TrainningThere are some activities that can increase your metabolic rate. First, keep in mind that metabolism is designed to send energy to those organs and body functions that require energy to work. Muscles require a large amount of energy to use. However, maintaining muscle mass also requires energy. Therefore, even when you are not actively using your muscles, they require more energy than fat. Each pound of muscle that you have burns around 6 calories a day, compared to a pound of fat, which burns only 2 calories a day.

How abdominal fat impacts metabolism
Researchers are still trying to find the link between abdominal fat and metabolism, despite being first recognized more than half a century ago by French physician Jean Vague. While there are no universally conclusive results yet, evidence indicates that individuals with increased amounts of abdominal fat are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Abdominal fat appears to be associated with impaired glucose uptake, which means that there seems to be a correlation to the presence of abdominal fat and the body’s inability to turn sugars into energy. Instead of turning food to energy immediately, sugars tend to travel throughout the body’s blood vessels damaging them, associated nerves and organs. Rapid weight loss in long-term diabetics show that excess blood sugars are not converted to fat without extra insulin.

As a result of many studies, the Expert Panel on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults determined that individuals have a greater risk for metabolic disease if they have a waist circumference greater than 40″ (men) and 35″ (women).


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